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  Title Copies
We Believe - Essays on the Catechism 
Call No: BX8069.6 .W4 2000 
Lutero : el fraile que encaró al papa : la vida del Reformador en pocas palabras  
Call No: BR325 .L444 
Church and Ministry: The Role of Church, Pastor, and People from Luther to Walther (Concordia Scholarship Today) 
Year: 1993 
ISBN: 0570046254 
ISBN 13: 9780570046257 
Call No: BR333.5.C5 K58 
Christian Attitudes Toward War and Peace: A Historical Survey and Critical Re-Evaluation 
Year: 1979 
ISBN: 0687070279 
ISBN 13: 9780687070275 
Call No: BT736.2 .B3 
ISBN: 081000318X 
Call No: BS1245.3 .W4618 
This is the Church 
Year: 1952 
Call No: BV600.A1 B63 
Dictionary of Word Origins: Histories of More Than 8,000 English-Language Words 
Year: 1993 
ISBN: 1559702141 
ISBN 13: 9781559702140 
Call No: PE1580.A97 
The New Testament, an introduction: Proclamation and parenesis, myth and history 
Edition: 2nd 
Year: 1982 
ISBN: 0155657267 
ISBN 13: 9780155657267 
Call No: BS2330.2 .P46 1982 
Un Comentario de La Epístola a Los Gálatas (Coleccion Teologica Contemporanea: Estudios Biblicos) (Spanish Edition) 
Year: 2010 
ISBN: 8482673793 
ISBN 13: 9788482673790 
Call No: BS2685.3 .B7818 
The Clubhouse: A Novel 
Year: 2013 
ISBN 13: 9780984807710 
Call No: PS3602.A84 C58